Saturday, September 12, 2009

Summer's End

The Kid's first week of school, 13 in his class this year. He loves it, as usual. Three of his new classmates are tiny, triplet sisters. Very cute. I love Wellspring's pay-what-you-can policy, but our tuition bartering has stressed me out this weekend. We had to clean the school, make seven new desks and I've been going door to door begging area businesses to donate to the annual silent auction fundraiser... Too much going on! Not to mention Justin had to spend part of today at work, and my camera lens kicked the bucket AND I never noticed that the registration and inspection were overdue on my car, luckily we got off with only a warning a couple days ago. So...I'm feeling a tad overwhelmed. But I will try to head off my seasonal depression this year and spare you the pathetic, complaining posts of misery. I'm usually OK until Christmas anyhow. January is usually not terrible either, because winter is still fairly novel at that point. It's February & March that are the worst for me, by then we've run out of wood, money, and patience. I will do my best to keep it together and keep my fingers crossed for an easy winter!

We bought a van...NOT a minivan, but a huge 15 passenger one. To be used for Justin's work. Also will be handy for trips to The Island, since it gets decent gas mileage. Looking forward to not being crammed into a tiny car for 16 hours. And it has an overhead DVD player - my one exception to the no tv rule for the kids guessed it! A gruelingly long road trip! (Plus our entire family can go out for Chinese we did tonight.) We have two mostly dead trucks for sale, if anyone's interested!

My beautiful, funny boys.

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