Saturday, March 7, 2015

Sheep Show

Lambing season and all the excitement involved finally ended after we had twenty little ones, with the not-so-grand finale of teensy-tiny Andy and his normal-sized twin sister.  Andy wound up moving into our house with Elsa, the bottle-baby already living in the kitchen these last few weeks.  So, it's diapers and bottles as far as the eye can see.  The smallest lamb we've ever had, Andy's clothes are the size of a Kleenex.  He's grown some since, but arrived not much larger than a big potato.  

The news story Gina did on my lamb jackets got a lot of media attention, even though the coats were something that just seemed rather necessary and practical what with the brutal temps we've had this winter.  Coldest on record, I believe.  Anyhow, folks were acting like I've just NOW invented animal clothing and we got the front page of the paper, a couple radio spots and dozens of emails from fans.  Pretty ridiculous, but fun.

  Before Andy came, Elsa was rising to local stardom with requests to visit nursing homes, schools, shut-ins and girl scout troops, now she's got a little brother tagging along, who may soon be making the rounds solo as Elsa is growing larger by the day and I worry she'll be accidentally kicking out people's oxygen tubes before long with her crazy gymnastic antics.  

Other than the 3AM feedings and the constant diaper changes, raising sheep in the house isn't much different than having dogs.  In fact, they all get along quite well.  And the kids aren't terribly phased by lambs cavorting around their games and they automatically pick them up for a cuddle during family movies.

(My original jacket pattern, cut out of some of Ira's outgrown PJ bottoms.)

Lambs are not only allowed into our area's Chinese restaurant, but are welcomed and adored.  It's the Year of the Sheep, after all.  

Elsa loves the long hallways in schools and hospitals, she runs at top speed and then skids to a stop with some high kicks and jumps before reversing direction, to the delight of her audiences.

Washing lambs with Woolite, not only amusing, but actually advised for house-lambs, as it's gentle and won't muss with their natural oils as much as other soaps might.

Gentle men are the only gentlemen.

So, that's the news from The Hill.  Sheep, sheep and more sheep.  (We've also been battling a beautiful Great Horned Owl who is determined to eat all our ducks, but that's another story.)  Spring is on the way for sure.  Stay tuned for the heaven of a Vermont Springtime!  XXOO  Love and lamb kisses.  

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