Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Winter Magic

Boys playing with bubbles at The Montshire.

 Been busy every minute.  This winter has been hectic but good so far.  Between work and kids and school and projects, appointments, family and friends, the weeks have flown.  I haven't felt even the slightest bit of seasonal depression...maybe a smidgen of depression from time to time, yes, but not seasonal anyway... just the regular poor-person-with-an-over-extended-schedule-who's-a-worrywart kind of depression which I've always had, but I would say my stress level is generally far lower than it was for the majority of my adult life.  Thanks to the great therapist I've been seeing for quite a while now, I've been able to eliminate a lot of negative emotions I was carrying around, and am starting to heal.  I'm doing the best I can, taking every day as it comes, and learning to be content with that.  And life is so beautiful, my boys so wonderful, how can I NOT be grateful?  When I'm down, I remind myself that every day we wake up is a day we get to BE ALIVE.  We might as well make the most of it.  Nothing has been easy, in fact many things have been downright torture, but it's no use dwelling anymore..or being angry...or feeling sorry for myself.  What a waste to lose more time feeling that way!    Anyway, here's some shots of from the last couple weeks...enjoy!    

    Snow storm up at the horse farm where I work mornings.
 The boys have turned into terrific little skiers.  I was extremely proud of them last weekend, zooming through the slalom course Grampa Butch made.  Eli is ultra graceful and has super form and Ira is fearless.  Incredibly fun to watch, even if I have to spend a bunch of the time being the ski lift...

 Lots of family birthdays this month. Seems we've had a get-together every few nights!
 Ira loves drawing.  Just got their second quarter report cards and they are both doing terrific in school and enjoying it!  Eli is reading waaaaaay above grade level, which is pretty impressive seeing how he came to public school basically without any of those skills.

                                                           Silver Maple view.
 I've taken up the mandolin again...not that I ever really played, just fooled around with it a bit in high school.  I'm still pretty bad, but I've gotten to the point now where I don't actually have to stare at my fingers to hit the right chord, so that's something, I guess!
 I babysit Finja most mornings.  She's a sweetheart.  And very cuddly!
 We've taken quite a few snowshoe hikes, although not last week, it was just way to cold to be outside very long in the sub-zero temps!

 Matt and Jen bought snowmachines, so along with the boy's small one at home, they've had a few fun rides over at Chez Loftus!
Sledding a few times at a friend's house has been a highlight!  And Amy makes the most fantastic post-sledding doughnuts and cocoa around!

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