Monday, February 18, 2008

Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

A really awful thing happened tonight. I was taking pictures of the boys in the tub, and my digital camera flash exploded. The camera still seems to work, but all the photos it takes without the flash are blurry. I, of course, freaked out because I probably take close to 100 photos a day with this little camera. It's nothing fancy, but it's the only digital I have. I'm extra sad about it.... I haven't been keeping a journal or anything, so most of my memories need pictures to jumpstart them. I hate to think of missing anything, and I almost never shoot film these days, haven't since I closed the studio a year and a half ago...I may have to dig those "real" cameras back out again. So anyway, I'm afraid my blog posts might slow down for awhile. Sigh. Oh, the roof is leaking, and we have over two inches of water in the basement. It's been that kind of day.

* A next-day update....We have pinkeye and I just spent 15 mins scrubbing poop out of the baby's armpits. Here's a couple of memories that don't need photographs!

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