Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Good Morning

I didn't used to be a morning person or an early riser at all, for that I have no choice. Up and at 'em! Listening to rambling, made-up songs from under the table while I make breakfast, keeping the dog from stealing the toast, seeing chubby cheeks smile, rapid-fire questions that I have no idea how to answer. Strange smells..."Is something burning?" The maze of block towers in the dining room that grows more elaborate by day (woe to anyone who topples them). "Where are your socks?" Dimples on the backs of little fingers, the race to get the potty-seat on in time, "Where are MY socks?" Drool spots on all of my clothing, jelly somehow in everyone's hair, "Is there a single pair of matching socks in this house?", six inch sqirt of toothpaste on the bathroom floor (when did that happen?). Blue eyes, brown eyes, sleepy eyes, a cuddly, warm, precious, hectic mess that is the start of my day. Some days I just want to cry (sometimes I do), but today I wish time could stand still.

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